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      SEO Finance: The Importance, KPIs, & The Checklist

      Tati KhumairohRifqi Ardhian

      Tati Khumairoh

      Rifqi Ardhian

      Published at 2023-04-27T08:33:09+07:00
      Last edited at 2023-05-15T08:47:22+07:00 by Rifqi Ardhian

      In the finance industry, where competition is high and trust is essential, having a strong online presence is particularly important. 

      It's not enough to simply have a website, financial businesses must also ensure that their website is visible and easily found by their target audience. That is where SEO finance takes the role. 

      Through this article, we want you to understand the importance, KPIs, and the best practice of SEO finance you can take advantage of.

      The Importance of SEO Finance

      With more and more consumers turning to search engines to find financial services and products, it's crucial for finance companies to optimize their website content and improve their rankings. Here are some specific and unique ways that SEO for finance companies can benefit websites.

      • Higher Ranking: implementing SEO finance can get your business a higher ranking on the search engine. A higher search engine ranking can drive more organic traffic that might convert into new customers.

      • Target Specific Audience: By identifying the specific keywords potential customers are searching for, finance websites can optimize their content to attract more qualified leads.

      • Build Credibility: Through SEO, finance websites can demonstrate their expertise and knowledge in their industry. It shows that it understands user needs and concerns about finances.

      • Conquer The Market: A strong SEO strategy can help finance websites establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. With effective strategies, the website can differentiate itself from competitors.

      SEO Finance KPIs

      SEO KPIs for finance companies can vary depending on the specific goals and objectives of the company's SEO strategy. However, here are some common KPIs that finance companies may track to measure the success of their SEO efforts

      Keyword Ranking

      Keyword rankings refer to the position of a finance company's website on SERP for specific keywords related to their products or services. Once the SEO finance is implemented, you can track the ranking changes it impacts. 

      You can use SEO tools to help you keep track of your target keywords such as Sequence Stats. This tool allows you to monitor as many keywords as you have and get the daily ranking report. Here is the preview

      Picture 1: Rank Dashboard in Sequence Stats

      Picture 1: Rank Dashboard in Sequence Stats

      Organic Traffic

      Organic traffic refers to the number of visitors to a website who arrive through SERPs and not through paid advertising. This is a key metric for measuring the effectiveness of an SEO strategy.

      If your website manages to be at the top of SERP, then organic traffic will likely to get. This is because users will likely click the top page results rather than the next page. Organic traffic is important to get new customers because they are usually ready to do something from their search activity.


      It is the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. Tracking conversion rates can help finance companies determine the effectiveness of their SEO efforts in generating qualified leads and driving business growth.

      Additional New Customers

      This metric might be the final KPI that a finance company wants to get after implementing SEO. Through all the strategies, it is important to lead the website visitors to the product page so that they can be new customers.

      SEO Finance Checklist

      After understanding the KPIs on SEO finance, we present the checklist you can implement to your website. This checklist will help you do SEO better and hopefully increase your website performance.

      Conduct Keyword Research for Finance Niche

      Keyword research will always be the first thing to do in any SEO strategy, and SEO finance is no exception. Effective keyword research will help the business have a more guided strategy and understand its market. 

      Here are some steps to follow when conducting keyword research for the finance niche:

      • Identify Your Target Audience: Start by identifying your target audience and the types of keywords they are likely to use when searching for financial products or services. Consider factors such as age, income, education, and location when developing your target audience.

      • Brainstorm Relevant Topics: Use your knowledge of the finance industry to brainstorm relevant topics related to your target audience's financial needs and concerns. For example, topics such as "investing for retirement," "managing debt," and "savings accounts" may be relevant to your target audience.

      • Use Keyword Research Tools: Use keyword research tool to identify high-traffic, low-competition keywords related to your target topics. These tools can help you identify search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty to help you select the best keywords for your strategy.

      • Analyze Your Competitors: Conduct competitive analysis to identify the keywords your competitors are targeting and ranking for in search results. This can help you identify opportunities to target less competitive keywords or create more comprehensive content that better addresses your target audience's needs.

      • Prioritize Your Keywords: Once you have identified relevant keywords, prioritize them based on search volume, competition, and relevance to your target audience's needs. Develop a keyword strategy that focuses on targeting high-priority keywords first and building out your strategy over time.

      For more detailed and precise keyword research, you can use Sequence Stats Keyword Ideas to help you find the most relevant keywords for SEO finance. Here is the look.

      Picture 2: Keyword Ideas Feature in Sequence Stats

      Picture 2: Keyword Ideas Feature in Sequence Stats

      Produce High-Quality Content Regularly

      Producing high-quality content is crucial for finance companies looking to improve their SEO strategy and engage their target audience. Here are the tips:

      • Develop a Content Plan: Develop a content plan that aligns with your SEO strategy and focuses on delivering value to your target audience.

      • Use Clear and Concise Language: Use clear and concise language when writing your content to ensure that it is easy to read and understand. 

      • Provide Actionable Advice: Provide actionable advice that helps your target audience address their financial needs and concerns. Use real-world examples and data to illustrate your points.

      • Optimize Your Content: Optimize your content for SEO finance by using relevant keywords, formatting your content for readability, and optimizing your metadata. Use internal and external links to improve the relevance and credibility of your content.

      Optimize Site Performance Both on Mobile and Desktop

      Optimizing site performance on both mobile and desktop is crucial for finance websites for several reasons. It affects the user experience, mobile traffic, credibility, and conversion rates. 

      Once the site is slowly accessed through mobile, the users will no more interested in your site. That is why, site speed on both mobile and desktop is important for finance business.

      Get help from the developer team and SEO team once you discover the problem with site speed. They will conduct a site audit and help you fix the issue. 

      Use Social Media

      Social media can be a valuable tool to support the SEO strategy of finance companies. Sharing high-quality content on social media can attract more visitors to the finance company's website. 

      This increased web traffic can improve the website's search engine rankings, as search engines view website traffic as an indicator of website relevance and authority.

      Social media also can help build brand awareness for finance companies. By regularly posting engaging and informative content on social media, finance companies can increase their visibility and reach a wider audience. 

      Enable Local SEO

      Enabling local SEO for finance companies is important because it helps the company reach potential customers who are searching for financial services in their local area. Local SEO involves optimizing a website for location-based searches, such as "financial services near me" or "financial advisor in [city name]."

      Once the company activates the local SEO, it will have a map pack in Google search results. This information will likely be clicked on by users for its feature and engaging visualization. Thus, the finance company will be benefited from the local search

      Picture 3: Map pack in Google Search Result

      Picture 3: Map pack in Google Search Result

      Monitor Website Performance

      The last checklist for SEO finance is monitoring. After all the above implementations, it is important to keep monitoring the progress. Usually, SEO practitioners will monitor the number of traffic, ranking, market share, brand position, or other important metrics.

      In this case, you can always rely on the SEO tool to help you automate data gathering. Then, monitor it regularly and make some analysis. Whether it shows an increase or decline. Use Sequence Stats as your SEO tool and you can adjust the usage with your budget.

      Get daily ranking data of your targeted keywords, monitor your competitor, and even do keyword research in one tool only. Register now!

      Wrap Up

      In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for finance companies to attract potential customers and remain competitive. The above explanation will cover your thirst for what you need to do in SEO for finance companies. 

      Setting the right KPI, implementing all the checklists, and using the right tool will help you out of the complex SEO implementation. You can start by building your SEO team or get help from an SEO agency.