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      How to Build Efficient SEO Workflow for A Scalable Team

      Tati Khumairoh

      Tati Khumairoh

      Published at Apr 04, 2023 07:56 AM

      Handling a business website targeting ranking and traffic can only be easy with a clear and measurable SEO workflow. Since SEO is complex, you and your team will need to build an SEO workflow and management system that help you carry out every task.

      In this article, you will learn how to build an SEO workflow for your optimization strategy. Starting from the definition, the various workflow in SEO you might need to know, and the techniques in building the workflow itself. 

      What Is SEO Workflow and Why It’s Important?

      An SEO workflow refers to the step-by-step process of optimizing a website for search engines. The process involves a series of steps, from conducting keyword research to implementing technical optimization techniques.

      An effective SEO workflow is critical to the success of any SEO campaign. It ensures that the optimization process is organized, consistent, and measurable, and helps businesses achieve their goals and track their progress toward success.

      Some of the key benefits of a well-executed SEO workflow for your team include:

      • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities: An effective SEO workflow clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of each team member, ensuring that everyone is aware of their responsibilities and can work collaboratively.

      • Improved communication and collaboration: A well-structured SEO workflow encourages communication and collaboration between team members, helping them to work more efficiently and effectively to achieve their objectives.

      • Better tracking and reporting: By following a structured SEO workflow, team members can easily track their progress and allowing them to provide more accurate and timely reports to management.

      SEO Workflow for Various Projects

      Every activity in SEO needs a clear workflow so that it can be executed properly by the assigned team. Below are the basic activities that definitely need a clear SEO workflow. 

      Picture 1: SEO Workflow illustration

      Picture 1: SEO Workflow illustration

      Content Creation Workflow

      The first activity is content creation. This activity is crafting new content for your website. Even though it sounds easy, it contains complex steps to make it become high-quality content. Here are the steps. 

      Step 1: Define the objectives of the content, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or building brand awareness.

      Step 2: Research topics that are relevant to the objectives of the content and identify potential keywords and phrases to target.

      Step 3: Brainstorm and develop content ideas that are relevant to the topics and objectives of the content. Make the writer team and SEO team collaborate to create a working content strategy.

      Step 4: Create high-quality content that is optimized for search engines and is engaging and informative for the target audience. Consult the people in charge of whether the content is viable to publish. Do revise if it is needed.

      Step 5: Ask your visual team to provide powerful image assets or other media for your content. Let them know what you need to leverage users' understanding of the content.

      Step 6: Publish the content on the website, blog, or social media channels, ensuring that it is easily accessible and shareable.

      Step 7: Promote the content through social media, email marketing, or other channels to increase visibility and drive traffic to the website.

      Those are the steps in creating new content. By following the above workflow, you can have a regular publishing schedule that can be tracked easily with the respective team.

      Content Optimization Workflow

      Not only new content creation needs a workflow, but optimizing existing content also needs an SEO workflow. Here is a content optimization workflow that you can follow.

      Step 1: Analyze existing content: Analyze existing content on the website to identify opportunities for improvement. Spot that one content that ranks low and underperforming in the SERP. Then, make a list of optimization strategies.

      Step 2: Conduct keyword research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases that are relevant to the content and audience. That way, you can capture more related queries to increase the content impression.

      Step 3: Optimize content: Optimize the content for search engines, including the use of optimized title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags. Consider changing the title or adding some related information to enhance the content.

      Step 4: Update content: Update the existing content to reflect the changes made during the optimization process, ensuring that it remains relevant and informative for the target audience. Check whether the information is still valid or needs adjustment to the latest condition.

      Step 5: Monitor the changes. After optimizing the content, it is better that you keep track of its changes. Here you can asses whether the optimization strategy you done have has a good impact or the other way around.

      Website Monitoring

      The last SEO workflow is for website monitoring activity. It is aimed to get updated information about website performance and health. Look at these steps:

      Step 1: Set monitoring objectives. Define the objectives of the website monitoring, such as identifying technical issues or tracking performance.

      Step 2: Run a comprehensive site audit. This is done to immediately spot any SEO issues in your website including content and the technical side. 

      Step 3: Set up a monitoring tool to track the relevant metrics and KPIs, such as website traffic, search engine ranking, and backlink profile. 

      Step 4:  Analyze the data collected through monitoring tools to identify areas for improvement or optimization. Make sure that every action is taken based on the data. This way, you will have a more informed action.

      Those are the steps for monitoring the website. You can develop more steps on each flow above and add some checklists to create a more in-depth flow. 

      Sequence: The SEO Workflow Tools

      After you know the workflow, you might wonder how to build those workflows that can be measured easily by your team. This is not only about the steps but you have to think about managing your team. So, here are some notes you need.

      Appoint The Stakeholders in The Project

      The first step in building an SEO workflow and team management system is to appoint the stakeholders in the project. These stakeholders may include project managers, content creators, website developers, and other members of the team who will be responsible for executing the SEO strategy. 

      It's crucial to ensure that each stakeholder understands their role in the project and how their work will contribute to the overall objectives.

      Describe Their Key Tasks

      Once the stakeholders have been appointed, it's essential to describe their key tasks. For example, project managers may be responsible for overseeing the project's timeline, budget, and resource allocation. 

      Content creators may be responsible for conducting keyword research, creating content, and optimizing it for search engines. Website developers may be responsible for optimizing the website structure, ensuring it's mobile responsive, and implementing technical SEO techniques.

      You need to be clear about what you want them to do. Make sure you have a clear project plan so that they understand each task. You can ask each PIC to deliver their plan and discuss about the project thoroughly. 

      Use Project Management Tool

      To manage the workflow and team effectively, it's essential to use a project management tool. In this matter, you can also use Sequence Stats Kanban as your project management tool. It can help your team collaborate, communicate, and track progress.

      Sequence Stats Kanban allows you to set deadlines, assign tasks, track progress, and communicate with stakeholders. It's important to ensure that everyone involved in the project has access to the tool and knows how to use it effectively. 

      Picture 2: Kanban board feature in Sequence Stats

      Picture 2: Kanban board feature in Sequence Stats

      This useful feature also allows you to detect SEO concerns and immediately assign new tasks about it to your team. Thus, there is no one left behind about the website update. 

      By using Sequence, you have it all. SEO tool and management tool in one place. So, it needs no more subscription to run multiple SEO tasks.

      Monitor The Progress

      Finally, it's crucial to monitor the progress of the project regularly. This will allow you to identify areas that need improvement, make adjustments to the workflow, and measure the results of the project against the objectives and KPIs.

      You can monitor the team's progress through Sequence Kanban at once. Not only the task progress, but you also need to monitor the whole website's progress such as ranking, health, and others. Good thing is, you can use Sequence to do it all.


      Building an effective SEO workflow and team management system is essential for achieving measurable results in your search engine optimization efforts. Through this article, we hope that you get a clear picture of how to do it.

      Using SEO and Team Management tool can really help you in delivering tasks to its monitoring. Compared to manual task delivery that is soon forgotten, this tool will be worth every penny. 

      Go register to Sequence Stats and enjoy all the features in one tool.