



How to Permanently Delete Account & Refund

How to Permanently Delete Account & Refund

Sequence users can delete their account permanently if they no longer use them. When a user deletes an account, they will lose all data in it. Therefore, we would like you to be careful when performing this action.

Before deleting an account, make sure the following things:

  • The account is connected with a verified email

  • If not, enter the email into the Sequence account and verify it

  • Have more or enough balance to pay for all usage

  • You can refund the remaining balance.

If you're sure you want to do this, here's a step by step to account deletion

Go to Settings Page

The first step to deleting an account is to open the Settings page. To open it, you must first log in to your Sequence account, then click your Ava in the upper right corner of the dashboard. Next, you will be directed to the personal settings page.

Figure 1 - Entry point settings

Figure 1 - Entry point settings

Delete Account page

On the settings page, you will find a Delete Account button at the bottom of the page. Click the button to display account deletion details. Nex t, you can confirm the deletion by ticking the list of data that will be lost in this process. Press the Next Step button to continue.

Figure 2 - Confirmation of deletion

Figure 2 - Confirmation of deletion

Figure 3 - delete account confirmation

Figure 3 - delete account confirmation

Billing Reviews

After you press the Next Step button, the system will display a Billing Review that contains this month's bill, balance confirmation, and options for a refund. Check your bills and balance carefully.

Figure 4 - billing review

Figure 4 - billing review

At the bottom of the billing review there is an option to refund your balance. If you don't want to do this, you can select the “no” option. After that, our system will display the last step of account deletion. Please fill in the form with the data needed for confirmation. Next, click Delete Account.

After confirmation, our system will wait up to 30 days before permanently deleting your Sequence Stats account. During this time, you have the opportunity to cancel your account deletion request before it's deleted permanently. We'll reactivate your account if you log in, and everything will go back to how it was.

Making a Refund

Before making a refund, it should be noted that refunds only apply to users with personal, agency, enterprise, and custom packages subscription. If you want to make a refund of your remaining balance, please select the "Yes, refund my balance" option in the Billing Review step. Next, the system will direct you to the refund step.

Figure 5 - Refund form

Figure 5 - Refund form

Please input the required information on the refund form such as account name, email address, refund amount, and refund method. You can choose the refund method using a bank or e-wallet.

Refund Method Through Bank Account

If you choose the refund method through the Bank. Then you have to fill in further information such as bank account name and account number. Click Continue to proceed with the refund steps.

Figure 6 - Selecting the type of refund through the bank and filling out the form

Figure 6 - Selecting the type of refund through the bank and filling out the form

After that, you will be directed to the last step of deleting your account and the detailed information about refunds. Next, type the suggested text as prompted to confirm the deletion.

Done, we will send an email notification of your account deletion request and your refund will be processed.

Refund Method Through E-wallet

Apart from a bank account method, Sequence Stats can return the remaining balance to your e-wallet. Choose one of the supported e-wallets, namely Gopay, OVO, Shopeepay, or other e-wallets as listed in the next part of this article. After choosing an e-wallet, you must fill out a form with information regarding the e-wallet account name and telephone number.

Figure 7 - Selecting the type of refund via e-wallet

Figure 7 - Selecting the type of refund via e-wallet

Next, the system will send an OTP code to the phone number you entered. Immediately enter the code that was sent correctly because the OTP is only valid for 1 minute.

Figure 8 - OTP Form

Figure 8 - OTP Form

After that, you will be directed to the last step of deleting your account and information about refunds. Next, type the suggested text as prompted to confirm the deletion.

Figure 9 - The last step of account deletion.

Figure 9 - The last step of account deletion.

Done, we will send an email notification of your account deletion request and your refund will be processed.

List of Banks and E-wallets to Make Refund

Below is a list of banks and e-wallets that can be used to refund your Sequence balance. Pay attention to the minimum balance that will be refunded and also the maximum amount.

The refund process will be carried out after your account has been successfully deleted. This process usually takes 1-2 months. We will notify you of progress via email. If you encounter problems and need assistance, please get in touch with us via support@sequence.day

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